For too many Americans, turning on their faucets for a glass of water is like pouring a cocktail of chemicals
For too many Americans, turning on their faucets for a glass of water is like pouring a cocktail of chemicals
Body detoxification can unburden your body of toxins that have built up over time. This can restore your energy and vitality!
We are all exposed to toxins daily. As children, our systems work well filtering out and disposing of toxins, but as we age, those systems get overcrowded with toxins.
Since we can’t remove these toxins as well as we did when we were younger, this leads to higher and higher levels in our bodies.
And if we don’t remove the burden of the toxic load, our system may eventually shut down completely.
Toxins can come from a variety of sources, including foods and beverages which contain chemicals, heavy metals, and carcinogens. When we are exposed to heavy metals, they blockade many of our enzyme processes and shut down the production of life-sustaining chemicals.
For example, chicken feed contains arsenic to kill parasites. Years ago, Americans ate around 33 pounds of chicken per year. Now, that number has skyrocketed to 88 pounds per person per year — almost tripling the amount of chicken (and therefore the arsenic) that our bodies have to deal with.
We are also exposed to toxins from the environment, indoor pollutants, cleaning solutions, and even health and beauty products.
Why is Body Detoxification Necessary?
There is no question that everyone has toxins in their bodies. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) published a report in 2006 that stated that the average American has 116 out of 148 synthetic chemical compounds in the body. The compounds that they tested for included dioxin, polycyclic hydrocarbons, and organochlorine pesticides.
Further studies showed that these same substances were also found in human milk, placenta, umbilical cord blood, and body fat of newborns. This is evidence of how burdened our detoxification capabilities have become.
It is impossible to completely eliminate exposure to toxins because they are so prevalent. However, it is possible to take measures to limit exposure to toxins and to periodically take action to help your body be better able to eliminate them.
We Can Help Remove Your Toxic Burden

The Body Detoxification protocols at Renewed Vitality help you rid yourself of the toxic burden you’ve been carrying — and return to health.
Finding the source of toxic exposure is important to prevent a recurrence. One way we do this — which is rarely practiced by the medical community — is by using Thyroid Hormone. The thyroid’s job is to pull toxins out of tissues and dump them into the bloodstream where the liver, kidneys, and skin can eliminate them from the body. Without adequate thyroid levels, the body cannot remove these toxic chemicals from our tissues.
For heavy metal poisoning, one of the first steps is to do a blood screening that can uncover elevated levels. Then, we can provide both oral and intravenous treatments, depending on the toxicity amounts and degree of sickness you are experiencing.
We also offer other methods of detoxification that can help to eliminate toxins from the liver, gallbladder, and lymphatic systems.
Our providers use laboratory testing based on your symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle to determine what treatment protocols you need.
We can also provide you with information about cleansing your body of toxins via programs that you can do on your own.
Body Detoxification is an Addition to Our Unique Services
We offer body detoxification services, not as your sole “treatment protocol,” but as an additional option. That’s because toxins can wreak havoc on the endocrine and immune systems and affect your liver and kidney function. Our other services include:
- Thyroid diagnosis and management
- Weight loss management
- Age management
- Sleep therapy
- Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome treatment
- Chronic Viral Syndrome treatment
The treatment protocols for detoxing are to be done once a year (not all at the same time) and can greatly improve your hormone function, weight loss success, and general health and well-being.
Symptoms of Toxic Overload

Many symptoms can occur when your body is overburdened by too many toxins:
- Digestion and elimination problems (constipation, bloating, diarrhea, nausea, heartburn)
- Elevated cholesterol levels
- Overweight/underweight
- Allergies/Asthma
- Inflammation
- Skin disorders
- Fatigue
- Anger/Depression/Irritability
- Leaky gut syndrome
- Dark circles under the eyes
Patients often develop symptoms in different areas of the body from where the “underlying cause” problem is occurring because toxins can build up in various tissues which can create symptoms elsewhere.
As a means of protecting itself, the body stores excess toxins in fat cells. When all systems aren’t functioning optimally, an excess “toxic burden” is placed on our natural filtering organs such as the gut, liver, and kidneys.
Rather than letting these toxins run rampant through the bloodstream and brain, the toxins are sent to the fat cells where they can remain for years.
When the body stores toxins in fat cells, it is acting as a self-protecting mechanism to keep them from circulating through the bloodstream and away from the brain.
If you are experiencing toxic overload and are trying to lose weight, it can be almost impossible to shed excess fat as the body stays in “protective” mode.
Where do Toxins Come From?

A toxin is anything that is considered to be harmful to the human body. Unfortunately, they are everywhere from pesticide and herbicide residue in many of the foods that we eat to pollution in the air we breathe.
Cleaning products, cosmetics, sunscreen, skin and hair care products, perfumes and air fresheners, and more may contain toxic ingredients. And multiple pathways provide entrance to the body, such as the lungs, skin, and digestive tract.
In fact, it only takes only 26 seconds for a toxin to enter the body when exposure occurs through the skin. If it’s a substance that you can smell (such as fragrance or cleaning products), then chances are that you are being unknowingly exposed through inhalation and any direct skin exposure.
The amount of toxins we are exposed to on a daily basis is staggering:
- We inhale up to 500 environmental chemicals daily in our homes alone, not to mention mold or radon exposure.
- Many of these poisons are outgases (fumes) from plastics, carpeting, furnishings, and other building materials. New carpet is one of the worst culprits.
Short-term exposure to toxins impairs the liver. Long-term exposure to toxic substances adversely affects the immune system, central nervous system, and endocrine function. It can also affect reproductive health.
It’s no wonder that thyroid disorders and autoimmune diseases (among others) are reaching epidemic proportions in this country. Toxins come in many forms and are ingested in multiple ways.
Environmental Toxins
- Outdoor and indoor air pollution. According to the EPA, studies of human exposure to air pollutants indicate that indoor levels of pollutants may be 2 to 5 times higher than outdoor pollutant levels.
- Radiation from cell phones, microwaves, and more. If you live next to power lines, you are substantially increasing your everyday exposure to radiation.
- Motor vehicle exhaust.
- Job-related toxins. Depending on the number of chemicals you are exposed to, your toxic load may be considerable. The media has helped to increase public awareness and focus on repeated exposure to things such as Glyphosate, one of the main chemicals found in RoundUp®, and how it is carcinogenic. Careers in manufacturing, construction, and many others can increase exposure to toxic chemicals.
Lifestyle Toxins
- Cosmetics and skincare products. The skin is the largest organ. According to several studies, parabens and synthetic preservatives found in most skincare products may exert serious adverse health effects, including hormone disruption, organ system toxicity, reproductive function and infertility, and developmental or birth defects.
- Many underarm deodorants contain aluminum.
- Titanium may be in hair dyes, toothpaste, and in the coating of some prescription medications and supplements.
- Nicotine. Even the paper used in cigarettes contains arsenic.
- Alcohol.
- Caffeine.
- Prescription drugs.
- Over-the-counter drugs.

Water Toxins
- Leading pollutants include bacteria, mercury, phosphorus, and nitrogen.
- Metals and solvents from industrial factories can pollute rivers, lakes, and aquifers.
- Pesticide run-off.
- BPA and other toxins from plastic water bottles.
- Lead can be found in some tap water in the kitchen and bathroom.
Food and Soil Toxins
- Meats and dairy products contain hormones and antibiotics.
- Pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides.
- Artificial food additives, coloring, and preservatives.
- Refined foods and sugars.
- Processed vegetable oils that have been refined with petroleum products.
- Dietary choices, including fast food.
- GMO foods.
- Styrene outgases from everyday plastic containers that hold juice, water, sodas, milk, baby formula, etc.
- Mercury is commonly found in seafood and the bigger the fish, the greater the amount of mercury. Many people eat salmon and tuna on a regular basis, not realizing that they may be loading themselves down with mercury.
- Aluminum gets into the body through aluminum foil used in cooking and aluminum cans.
- Alcohol.
Cleaning Product Toxins
- Chlorine bleach
- Petroleum distillates
- Ammonia
- Phenol and cresol, found in disinfectants
- Nitrobenzene, found in furniture and floor polishes
- Formaldehyde, used as a preservative in many household products
- Hydrochloric acid or sodium acid sulfate, found in toilet bowl cleaners
- Other toxic chemicals found in air fresheners and deodorizers
No federal regulation currently exists to require corporations to identify or label ingredients or hazardous chemicals contained in household cleaning products.
Legislation has been proposed in some states to change this practice, but nothing to date has been passed.
The Environmental Working Group (EWG), is a non-profit group that specializes in research and advocacy in the area of toxic chemicals, among others. They have composed a list of different corporations, the products they make, and their chemical ingredients so that you have access to this information.
Internal Toxins
- Bacterial and fungal overgrowth.
- Byproducts from metabolic reactions such as carbon dioxide, ammonia, and hormones.
- Undigested food (GI tract not functioning optimally). Most patients who have GI issues also have increased levels of incoming toxins. This may not allow them to properly absorb nutrients, which are used in part for liver detoxification pathways.
- Unresolved trauma or abuse.
- Unhappy relationships.
- Stress creates a chemical “cocktail” that can harm the body.
Methods of Body Detoxification
The organs responsible for body detoxification are:
- Liver
- Kidneys
- Skin
- Gallbladder
- Lymphatic system
It can be easy to become overwhelmed when learning about all of the different ways that toxins can affect us — or think that we have no control over what we are exposed to.
The first step is education so you can make informed choices about the food you eat, cleaning products you use, and more.
Dr. Spurlock at Renewed Vitality has extensively researched effective ways of eliminating the toxic burden to restore the body’s filtration and elimination processes. He recommends that you follow these protocols annually:
Liver Detox — Core Restore™ Program
The liver is the primary organ of detoxification in the body. It does the following:
- Filters blood
- Stores glucose for energy
- Breaks down steroid hormones
- Produces/secretes bile

Core Restore is a seven-day program designed to help you restore healthy detoxification and elimination functions.
- Provides the body with the essentials to support detoxification, micronutrients, phytonutrients, and clean protein.
- Helps to unmask other GI health issues.
- Helps you to feel better.
- Changes your “filter.”
- Releases stored toxins in fat.
- Helps you to lose weight.
Lymphatic System Detox — Cranberry Juice and Water
The lymphatic vessels are responsible for moving fat and toxins from the tissues to the liver for removal. Cranberry dissolves “sludge” in the lymphatic vessels. The Cranberry Flush protocol includes:
- Pure unsweetened cranberry juice (NOT cranberry juice cocktail).
- Mix 8 oz. of cranberry juice with 56 oz. of water for 64 oz. total.
- Drink this mixture every day for two weeks. This becomes your main beverage.
- Clears your lymphatic vessels so you can eliminate fat and toxins more efficiently.
Heavy Metal Detox — Chlorella

Common heavy metal exposures include arsenic which is found in factory-processed chicken and rice from China. Mercury is found in almost all seafood, and lead is found in red lipstick, and in sportsmen who shoot rifles frequently.
Chlorella is used to treat heavy metal toxins by chelating them (removing them through the bloodstream) from our fat stores. It moves them through the lymphatic vessels to the liver for removal.
To detox using Chlorella, take one capsule three times daily.
Renewed Vitality provides testing for heavy metals. We also offer treatments that can be done orally or intravenously, depending on the toxicity amounts and degree of sickness that you are experiencing.
Gallbladder Flush/Detox – Apple Juice, Olive Oil, and Lemon Juice
The Gallbladder detox is a six-day flush that causes massive evacuation of the gallbladder.
- During days one through five, drink unsweetened, organic apple juice, six to eight ounces, twice daily.
- On day six, drink ½ cup of olive oil mixed with the juice of half of a lemon — and do NOT leave the house for at least eight hours!
Since this detox can cause gallstones to be eliminated, we offer this DISCLAIMER: Due to a potential gallbladder attack, a liver ultrasound is recommended prior to starting the flush.
What You Can Do To Help Detox Your Body
Be aware of what you eat and drink.
- Eat a diet that is as clean as possible including organic, free-range meats, and pesticide-free fruits and vegetables.
- Drink pure, clean water.
- Eat more fruits and vegetables and fewer meats and starches. Meat and starches increase the acidity of the body, which damages its ability to stay healthy.
- If you do eat meat, eat a variety and not just one type. It can help keep you from developing toxic overloads.
- Adequate hydration not only dilutes toxins but also helps the body function properly and aids in detoxification.
Eat specific beneficial foods or supplements.
- Certain foods and supplements can specifically aid in detoxification. Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and kale) aid the liver in detoxification.
- Lemon juice helps in three ways: it increases bile secretion, helps push bowel movements through the body faster, and increases kidney excretion.
- Milk thistle and Schizandra help the liver function better.
- Iodine helps the thyroid gland be more productive.

Be mindful of what you put on your skin.
- Many cosmetics and skin care products contain harmful substances that are absorbed by the skin directly into the body. It takes only 26 seconds for these chemicals to absorb into the body. Here is a list compiled by the EWG that provides information on which cosmetics and skincare products are safe.
Avoid unnecessary exposure to heavy metals.
- Avoid cigarette smoke, colognes, or perfumes.
- Be careful about choices of underarm deodorants.
- Choose to live away from highways and factory pollutants.
Have a good exercise program that causes sweating.
- The skin is our largest organ and any time you can sweat, you are helping to rid the body of toxins. Utilizing dry saunas or steam rooms can help too.
Avoid plastic bottles, aluminum cans, and cooking with aluminum foil as much as possible.
- Chemicals used in plastic bottles can leach into their contents. This process is enhanced when plastic bottles are exposed to heat.
Make sure your Thyroid Hormone is at a healthy level.
- Our providers always include a full thyroid blood panel to determine the exact cause of thyroid dysfunction. This includes testing TSH, T4, T3, Reverse T3, and thyroid antibodies.
- We are also trained to prescribe the most up-to-date treatment for thyroid disorders.
- For more information on our thyroid treatment, click here.
Avoid jobs or hobbies that may put you at risk.
- Painters of any kind may have two-fold risks from both skin absorption and inhaled fumes. Always make sure if you are working around any chemicals, that you use adequate skin protection because the skin absorbs chemicals like a sponge. And always make sure there is adequate ventilation to prevent overexposure to the skin and lungs.
- People who work with asbestos are at risk for toxicity as well.
- By taking precautions and being aware of the dangers of heavy metal toxins, you can reduce your risk of exposure and maintain better health.
Body Detoxification with Renewed Vitality
Our providers at Renewed Vitality can explain in more detail how these programs work. Again, we recommend that you complete each detox protocol annually — just not all at the same time!
To provide even more information, Dr. Spurlock and his Nurse Practitioner held a seminar to educate you on different ways we can be exposed to — and how our detoxification programs can help.
Get a Free Phone Consultation with Our New Patient Coordinator
Renewed Vitality is a place of hope. Our knowledgeable providers are experts in their field and take the time to find the underlying causes of hormonal imbalances and illness.
We will work with you using proven, scientific-based technology in a warm and compassionate environment. We are here to help you restore your health so that you can live a life of vitality and wellness.
Please contact our New Patient Coordinator for your Free Phone Consultation. She can answer any questions or concerns that you may have and give you additional information about our providers, our protocols and fees, what insurance covers, and any other details you may need. She can also get you booked for your first appointments if you decide we are a good fit for you.
There are no obligations to book an appointment. You can reach us at (214) 740-4703, or complete the form below and we will contact you!