Our weight loss clinic offers the Vitality Diet, a medically supervised weight loss program that is tailored just for you. Our providers at Renewed Vitality realize that every person is different and can have a variety of different factors that affect weight. We get to the bottom of why YOU have gained weight and look for the root cause of what is making it so difficult to lose it.
The underlying causes of weight gain can vary from person to person, so we use scientific data from your individualized labs and medical history to customize your weight loss program and eliminate obstacles that are beyond your control. By addressing these underlying conditions, it is a lot easier to lose the weight and to keep it off!
Our weight loss program includes two hour-long visits with a highly trained nurse practitioner. At the first appointment, we will meet with you and go over your medical history and health goals. We will write a comprehensive lab order to test your overall health markers, hormone levels, and metabolism. Specific medical conditions that can cause weight loss and/or making losing weight almost impossible will include general health markers and some of the following:
- Low functioning thyroid – the thyroid gland acts as the “gas petal” for energy and if it’s not functioning as it should, your metabolism is going to be slow no matter how much you diet or exercise. In addition to weight gain, you will likely experience a host of other symptoms including fatigue, lack of motivation, constipation, dry skin, unwanted hair loss, and more.
- Insulin Resistance – this occurs when your cells in muscles, fat, and liver start “resisting” the signal that the hormone is trying to send out which is to use the insulin to move glucose from your blood and put it in the cells. A common indicator of insulin resistance is a waist size 35 inches or greater for women, and 40 inches or greater for men, however, we always test your insulin levels as part of our routine lab work.
- Other hormonal imbalances such as low testosterone or low estrogen levels. Low testosterone can also cause insulin resistance. Additionally, testosterone also helps build muscle tissue which burns more calories than fat.
- Metabolic syndrome, aka “Syndrome X.” – A person has Metabolic Syndrome when they have high triglyceride (cholesterol) levels, high blood pressure, and high blood sugar.
- Chronic Stress – stress affects the body in many different ways, including an elevated fight/flight response which cause high cortisol levels which can cause you to pack on weight. Conversely, depleted cortisol levels, or adrenal fatigue, can contribute to a slow metabolism.
- Sleep deprivation
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, or PCOS
- Candida (yeast) overgrowth
At your second appointment, we will review your lab results and address any imbalances or other health concerns with you to help set you up for success in losing weight and keeping it off!
The Renewed Vitality Weight Loss Diet provides a plan that is above the rest because of the medical support that’s provided, and because of its speedy results. We cannot guarantee a specific result, but if you follow our protocol, you can be very happy with your results, and be a lot healthier.
The Vitality Diet Includes:
Initial hour-long medical consultation
- Comprehensive lab interpretation
- Follow-up hour-long medical consultation
- Hormone evaluation and treatment
- Candida treatment if needed
- Fat-burning HCG hormone cream
- Vitality Diet cookbook
- Vitality Diet cooking classes held by Dr. Spurlock
- Slim Shot Injections (optional)
- Appetite suppressants (optional, as needed)
Why Renewed Vitality Weight Loss Clinic?
Renewed Vitality will work with you to develop the best plan of action for you, based on your individual needs, and help you to achieve tremendous results in the quickest time and safest manner.
Dr. Spurlock and his nurse practitioners Roxana Cocos and Amanda Hoelscher are all experienced in effective medical weight loss methods and are prominent specialists in HCG dieting and hormone balancing.
The Vitality diet combines the use of the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) hormone and a short-term, low calorie diet. This 6-week process encourages quick weight loss. The Vitality Diet is one of the most comprehensive and effective diets on the market.
Additionally, our program is unique because:
- We effectively address any underlying causes of weight gain to remove any impediments for losing weight and keeping it off.
- Our consultations and lab results give you a starting point for better overall health and less risk for major disease.
- There are no invasive injections; we use a compounded HCG cream that is the real deal created by Dr. Spurlock and Abrams-Royal Pharmacy. (Many products that tout themselves to be HCG hormone do not actually contain the hormone).
- Quick, low-cost meal preparation with cooking classes and the Vitality cookbook.
- Continued and sustainable weight loss through hormone balancing.
Our new patient coordinators are happy to answer any questions you may have regarding the Renewed Vitality Weight Loss Program!
Contact Us for a Free Weight Loss Consultation
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